Breathwork: Loving Yourself and Transforming Your Life

You hold the key to your heart as well as the key to your mind in your own hands - one unlocks the other. When you begin to love everyone in your life without judgment and love the beauty of life itself, you begin to live life...

How resistance is preventing your evolution

Resistance is the silent killer of your potential - an invisible force that whispers 'not today' while your dreams slowly fade into the background of your life. Do you ever wonder why it’s so difficult for you to change? Do you...

The human seed

Did you ever consider that you, as a human being, are nothing more and nothing less than seed? A human seed getting ready to sprout! One that is meant to grow into something that you, from your current perspective or your current...

5 Reasons you fail to brake your habits

Ten years ago, I was a prisoner of my own destructive habits – today, I design my life one conscious choice at a time. Have you ever wondered why your life is not improving - yet you are still engaging in the same habits you were 10 years ago? In fact, you might be...

Unlocking Your Future by Letting Go of the Past

When you change the relationship with your past, you learn to live in When you change the relationship with your past, you learn to live in the present and start creating your future. When you create your future - you take responsibility for your destiny. In todays...

Breaking the Box: Escape the Limits of a Fixed Mindset

Do you feel like your life is limited to the roles you play in society? Maybe it’s time to change that paradigm. Are you trapped in a box, holding on to beliefs that were formed during your early childhood - beliefs that are...

Self Mastery – The Key to True Freedom

If you are anything like me, autonomy is one of your biggest values in life. Many people value autonomy, yet they desire to fit in and fulfill other people's expectations. You cannot create autonomy while trying to fit in. I...

The importance of Breathwork in the world we live in

Humanity has reached a pivotal point in history! A bold statement or just an opinion? You decide. I am not here to make any predictions. Some of you may agree, others may not.  As the world changes, I’ve found it more important...

The three pillars of breathwork

The three pillars of breathwork

Preparation - Breathwork - Integration Just like in work with plant medicine, there are three important components to Breathwork. These are Preparation, Breathwork itself and Integration. All three of them have the same importance. By allowing time for proper...

Letting go in Breathwork

Letting go in Breathwork

Letting go can be extremely difficult, yet it is one of the easiest things to do. David R. Hawkins wrote a really good book on this subject. It is called “Letting Go: The Pathway Of Surrender”. I highly recommend reading this...