You hold the key to your heart as well as the key to your mind in your own hands – one unlocks the other.
When you begin to love everyone in your life without judgment and love the beauty of life itself, you begin to live life with dignity.
If you struggle to do so, the quality of our life will be at the mercy of others.
Love is the bridge between you and everything. – Rumi
You will judge others, criticize and blame them, wish for things to be different while failing to see the fault in yourself.
By not realizing your contribution to whatever dissatisfaction with life you are experiencing – you fail to take responsibility and give away your power.
The solutions:
Find the key to unlock your heart and your mind. There is only one.
- The first skill to learn: Emotional Mastery.
When you learn emotional mastery, you get out of your own way. You don’t let your emotions influence your behavior. You become proactive instead of being reactive. Download my free guide here.
You do what needs to be done, no matter how you feel about it.
You take responsibility over your inner state because you realize no one can make you feel anything. No one has the power over your mind other than the power you give to them.
How you interpret external circumstances dictates how you feel inside.
When you learn emotional mastery, you learn to love everybody for who they are and enjoy life for what it is.
When you accept and love yourself for who you are, you create an everlasting well of love from within. Share it with the world and light those around you up.
A smile and kindness goes a long way.
When you are grumpy, allow yourself to feel it, appreciate it for what it is. Don’t suppress it – but: don’t ruin other peoples day. A smile will not only make them, but also you feel better.
Love is not something you have. You are not here to get any.
Love is something you do. You are here to create it, protect it and share it.
When you learn the art of emotional mastery, all of your relationships will improve, especially the relationship with yourself.
You will feel more in tune with life, have more energy, more mental clarity, more joy and success.
- The second skill to develop: To master your mind
When you learn to master your emotions, you unlock the secret of the mind – you are the only one preventing you from experiencing life on your terms. Get out of your mind and get out of your own way.
If you knew how powerful your mind is, you wouldn’t think or say anything you don’t want to be true. – Jim Kwik
Your mind is the most powerful tool known to mankind.
Emotional mastery will unleash the strength and the energy you need in order to access the power of your mind and tap into unused potential.
In order to tap into that potential, you have to shift your identity. From consumer to creator. From being a passive participant in life to becoming an active contributor.
Your focus needs to shift from distraction to intention. Focus all of your energy towards a goal in life and become very intentional with every step you take. The goal needs to be aligned with your passion and give your purpose. When you work towards a goal in life that is bigger than you, you never run out of drive.
You need to replace old harmful habits with empowering habits. Habits that nurture your body, mind and soul. Habits that help you grow, learn and evolve. In order to pursue a goal that is bigger than you, you need to expand your energy and adapt a lifestyle and identity that matches the goal.
Check out: The Habits Transformation Protocol – Habits create you until you create new habits. A comprehensive 7 part online course that will help you change any habits. On sale in January for $35
The key to the mind is at the intersection of Responsibility, Discipline and Structure.
When you take responsibility over your emotions, over your actions and over who you are, you can achieve your desired outcomes.
But you need a structure to create order and discipline to follow that structure.
When you find the key to your heart and to your mind, you will experience a certain sense of freedom that you have not experienced before.
You will experience a new level of fulfillment, joy and abundance in your life. A general sense of well-being and belonging will enhance your ability to remain in the present.
My whole life changed since I was first introduced to breathwork. Breathwork opened my mind and my heart and is continuing to show me areas in my life where I can improve.
Breathwork as a tool for tapping into unused human potential
Breathwork is a powerful way to unlock both the heart and the mind.
Emotional Mastery: Breathwork will help you release stuck emotions, teach you to deal with emotions in a healthy way and give you tools to change your inner state with the snap of the finger.
Mastering the Mind: Breathwork will help you uncover limiting beliefs, create new beliefs and show the power of a quiet mind.
Lastly, breathwork will help you push through any resistance you might encounter while becoming a different person.
Whenever ego’s existence feels threatened it puts up walls to protect itself. It takes some energy, persistence and willingness to push through that resistance.
If you are curious about breathwork and want to give it a try, join one of my free breathwork sessions. Forward this email if you know anyone who is interested in breathwork or who might benefit from breathwork.
Download my free guide Mastering your emotions: The first step to freedom here.
Are you ready to let go of your past and reclaim your power? Work with me 1-1