Did you ever consider that you, as a human being, are nothing more and nothing less than seed?
A human seed getting ready to sprout! One that is meant to grow into something that you, from your current perspective or your current level of consciousness can’t even see or imagine?
Recently I had an epiphany – I could clearly see everything we as humans have in common with seeds, with just a very few exceptions.
When I started researching the internet, the idea was nothing new, many spiritual teachers as well as Motivational speakers have talked about it in the past.
Here are some things we have in common with seeds:
A seed has all the information it needs in order to grow into the plant it’s meant to be already inside
A seed usually stays in the cold and dark for a very long time before it finally gathers the strength to break through it’s hard shell
It has to patiently grow and gather lots of strength to push through the shell
During this time, it is very vulnerable
It needs to be in the right environment in order to sprout
It needs constant watering
It needs nurturing
Only few will sprout, the vast majority will wither and die
A seed that is cracked from the outside will die – it can only live if it breaks through the shell with its own power.
With wrong nutrition, I might grow for a little bit but never into he strong plant it could grow into
If the seed sprouts in the wrong environment, it most likely will not do well
A human being is very much like a seed.
All the information we need is already within. We just have forgotten how to access the information and no one has ever taught us how to access the information.
The human is surrounded by the hard shell of the ego, protecting it from the environment, ensuring survival.
It takes effort to break through the shell
Those who grow up in the right environment, the right conditions and manage to see past their limitations of the ego mind will grow into the most magnificent human beings known to humanity.
Many more, just like seeds, grow up in darkness. The world seems cold and hard. they can’t really see the bright light that lies beyond the shell of the ego.
The majority however, just like the millions of seeds laying under trees, getting eaten by squirrels or rotting away, will never develop their full potential.
To break through the shell requires a lot of force:
Within the boundaries of the shell is the comfort zone.
The majority of people never get close to breaking through the shell – out of addiction to comfort. or, the fear of the unknown.
You need courage, energy, passion, persistence and constant repetition to break through the shell.
You need to be patient. Short term pleasure doesn’t lead to long term success – it drains your energy.
You need to trust in yourself and that which lies beyond the shell is worth pursuing more than staying in the known – the false sense of comfort.
Creating energy from within:
How do you acquire the energy you need in order to break through the shell? You need to start at your root: change your identity, challenge your belief system and adjust your behavior.
In order to break through the shell you need to follow certain principles. You need to create the principles for yourself and live by them. Every day.
No one can create them for you – No one knows what is inside of you!
Principle 1: Make your physical and mental well-being your number 1 priority. Excessive, Nutrition, Lifelong learning and self improvement – developing a Growth Mindset.
Principle 2: Learn to regulate your emotions – only when you are in full control of your emotions can you function to your best capacity. Unregulated emotions will distract your performance and limit your ability to focus.
Principle 3: Relationships are what matters most in life once your physical, mental and emotional health is under control. Become the person you want to see in others.
Principle 4: Your life’s mission – creating and contributing. Your life needs meaning and purpose in order for you to jump out of bed ready to conquer the world. A purpose that is larger than your basic human needs.
These 4 principles are a great way to start creating the momentum and energy that is required to push through the massive amount of resistance you will run into on the way.
Traps of life: Deceptions that keep you stuck:
There are numerous traps along the way. Too many to list them all and probably many more than I am aware of. However here are the most obvious ones:
Holding on to limiting beliefs about your capabilities, about who you are – a closed mindset.
Not willing to get out of your comfort zone – you will never reach the boundaries of your existence
Thinking your life is good enough – not challenging the status quo.
Just doing the bare minimum to get by in life – when you take more than you give, you deplete the resources
Working in a job with retirement as the end in mind – even when you work hard, give all you got. If retirement is the end in mind, then that will be the end. You will lack the energy and purpose to keep going.
Stop growing: physically, mentally, spiritually!
Believing others without questioning.
Forgetting what life is all about – to enjoy all life has to offer.
Organized Religion – Waiting for an outside source to come to save you. Remember, the seed that is cracked from the outside will be eaten or wither and die.
Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung,
One thing that set you apart from other seeds:
As I mentioned earlier, a seed that sprouts in the wrong environment or is fed with the wrong nutrition, will most likely not grow into its strongest version.
You as a human being have one advantage over all over seed in the universe:
Not only can you adapt to your environment, you also have the ability to change your environment to your needs or simply go somewhere else.
You absolutely have the power and strength to do what it takes – as long as you are willing to do the work. As long as you create principles and rules to live by and follow them with discipline.
I talked about that In my last newsletter: Self Mastery – The key to freedom
How to create the right environment?
1.) Start with yourself. Begin with the end in mind. Who do you want to be remembered for when you die? Change your identity. Become the person you need to be in order to grow into the person you are meant to be. When you change your inside – the outside world will start shifting.
2.) Create new habits and behaviors to support the person who you want to be. Habits create you – until you create new habits. Most people operate on autopilot, driving by subconscious habits they created throughout their childhood.
3.) Start surrounding yourself with people who have already achieved what you want to achieve – as humans we need relationships matter more than anything else. Our mirror neurons pick up the habits and behaviors from those around us.
Again, to go into details would go far beyond the scope of this newsletter. Click here if you would like to work with me 1-1
Breathwork as a catalyst:
Breathwork has been a catalyst for me on my own journey. A catalyst to remove roadblocks along the way.
Breathwork helped me get out of my closed mindset(another trap -once you believe you have an open mind – it’s closed again).
Breathwork encouraged me to question my limiting beliefs, challenged me to leave the zone of comfort and helped me discover several automatic patterns that have dictated how I show up in the world.
I gained deeper access to my subconscious mind.
When you realize you can reprogram your operating system, your priorities in life may change.
Suddenly, understanding Life and learning whatever skill you need to acquire will become your number one priority in life. And as the best way of learning is to teach, teaching others who are looking for guidance to do the same.
No one can do it alone. The same mind that created the traps you continue falling into cannot see the traps!
Without my mentors and coaches, I’d still be lost in complete darkness. But those who are a few steps ahead of you can shine a light to help you guide your way.
If you resonate with what I said, and I know you do if you made it this far, don’t be like the millions of acorns rotting away under my Life Oak Trees. Learn to access deeper levels of your subconscious mind and create the life you deserve. Every effort you take will be rewarded.
If you are curious about breathwork and want to learn more about how breathwork can help you reclaim your power – join one of my upcoming free breathwork sessions.
With deep gratitude